Stitches & Co

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247 Beach road, 2nd floor
6291 2247
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Our Services

The missing half to complete your wardrobe.

Tailor to perfection with the Traditional touch.

The Tailoring Mavericks behind Private Affair are literally the missing half to your wardrobe, be it a bespoke suit to casual weekend classics,

We are equipped with the knowledge while providing excellent workmanship while sharing our love for the current trends or sharp classics.   
Our professionalism, meticulous attention to details and affordable service much to rave about.

Many varieties of imported textiles and fabrics that you will fall in love with upon contact.  

Private Affair offers not only impeccable personalized and handcrafted services,wecan also deliver internationally.  

Founded purely on passion and the innate love to dress up gentlemen and ladies in their finest. 

Make an appointment with us today as we dress you up to impress, be it for an interview or that Big Day