Under1frame: Memorialising The Story Of Your Life

Vendor: Under1frame  

Under1frame: Memorialising The Story Of Your Life

Photography is a gateway and a return ticket to a moment in our lives that is otherwise gone. A once-in-a-lifetime event like our wedding day deserves to be encapsulated and memorialised. Under1frame is dedicated to curating and capturing spontaneous moments on your wedding day so that you can always look back and savour the sweet moments.

Under1frame provides all-in-one services for wedding couples, ranging from photography and videography to live-streaming. Furthermore, Under1frame offers these services across all events. 

Pictures Speak What Words Cannot

Under1frame: Memorialising The Story Of Your Life

Under1frame: Memorialising The Story Of Your Life

No matter how much we wish time would pause for us to indulge in the moment, time does not work that way. The next best thing would be to capture your best moments in pictures for you to reminisce about your glorious love and experience. 

Under1frame: Memorialising The Story Of Your Life

But then, you may think that getting different photographers for different events may be too expensive. However, with Under1frame, you need not worry about the trouble of getting separate photographers. Be it your pre-wedding shoot, your wedding day photoshoot or roving photography on your actual wedding day, Under1frame covers all grounds. Not only are they devoted to capturing your best spontaneous moments, but Under1frame also aims to reflect you and your partner’s personality and energy.

Videos are a Story Of Our Lives

Under1frame: Memorialising The Story Of Your Life

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video would be the story that represents our best memories. While a photo may capture symbolic moments in your wedding, a video does the best job of encapsulating the entire experience. There is no better way to relive the loving memory of your wedding day than to look back on the video that records every single precious moment.


Under1frame: Memorialising The Story Of Your Life

Given the tough times that we are all living in, we have all come to terms with our new norms. However, that said, the Covid-19 restrictions are not very forgiving especially for couples who have their families abroad. Since it may not be possible for some relatives and friends to fly over for the wedding, Under1frame has the perfect solution for that: Live-streaming. The couple can decide to start streaming at any point in their wedding. It is entirely up to the couple and what they want. This is an ideal solution for couples who have family and friends who are unable to fly down for the wedding. Not only will they have a real-time update on the wedding, but they can also interact with the couple as if they were present at the wedding!

Under1frame: Memorialising The Story Of Your Life

Under1frame is not a one-man team but rather a big team with different specialities. Hence, they aim to cater to a diverse customer base, including their varied needs. With Under1frame, rest assured that your needs and wants will be satisfied by their talented and professional team of photographers. 

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200 Jalan Sultan, Textile Centre, #03-39, Singapore 199018
65 8837 8391, 6593634060

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