慢火熬的細水長流,念長長久久,約好到白頭 A slow simmering, gentle stream of love, cherished for eternity, a promise to be together until our hair turns white.
DetailsCherished For Eternity Pre-wedding Photoshoot
如花海瀑布從腰間傾瀉而下 #thegarden Like a cascade of flowers, the waterfall plunges down from the waist.
DetailsThe Garden Pre-wedding Photoshoot
有你的地方都是美的風景Wherever you are, it's a beautiful scenery.
DetailsBeautiful Scenery Pre-wedding Photoshoot
從制服到婚紗,我們還是我們From uniforms to wedding dresses, we're still us.
DetailsFrom Uniforms to Wedding Dresses Pre-wedding Photoshoot
想起那天在草地喧鬧的氣味Recalling the clamorous scent of that day on the grassy expanse.
DetailsGrassy Expanse Pre-wedding Photoshoot
想起那天在草地喧鬧的氣味Recalling the clamorous scent of that day on the grassy expanse.
DetailsSeaside Panorama Pre-wedding Photoshoot
與你一起的青春,就是美好的最佳代名詞With you by my side, youth is the epitome of beauty
DetailsEpitome of Beauty Pre-wedding Photoshoot
我想像的未來,就是在你身邊開懷大笑My imagined future is simply laughing out loud with you
DetailsLaughing Out Loud Pre-wedding Photoshoot
粉黛的櫻是春天,我的春天是你Cherry blossoms in shades of pink are spring, and my spring is you.
DetailsCherry Blossoms Pre-wedding Photoshoot
陽光灑在臉上,彷彿掉進綠野仙蹤童話的森林Sunlight falls on my face, as if I have fallen into the fairy tale forest of The Wizard of Oz.
DetailsSunlight Falls Pre-wedding Photoshoot
在童話的起源,以愛之名開始我們的旅程At the origin of fairy tales, let us begin our journey in the name of love.
DetailsFairy Tales Pre-wedding Photoshoot