$ 200 - $ 300
Florists & Stylists
$ -
Hi Vendors,
I am looking for a florist/stylist! (*delete whichever is not applicable)
- Hand bouquet
- Wedding car decorations
- Boutonnière
- Reception table decorations
- Ballroom/Venue decorations
- Reception Table Decorations
- Photo Table Decorations
- Others (please specify): _____________________
Kindly send me your quotations for the above stated.
Thank you!
2021-11-24 10:39:14
2021-12-24 23:59:59
2021-11-24 12:41:39
Spellbound Wedding Planning Team are well versed to handle various types ofweddings and events such as party soiree and launches. Guided by Anna, Spellboundteam will ensure that your wedding experiences are seamless and memorable.
DetailsFor the discerning clientele who require bespoke made to measure venuedesign and event date planning from one of Singapore’s Best Planners andEvent Venue designer.
DetailsBridal & Entourage Floral Costing - Personal Flower / Bridal Car / Entourage Flowers
DetailsMilly & Frost Wedding Catalog 2024 / 2025