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$ 1000 - $ 2000


Wedding Photography

Number of Attendees


Average Price

$ 1781.33


Hi Vendors,  
I am looking for a wedding photographer! (*delete whichever is not applicable) 
Service type: / Actual Day  
Duration:  8 - 10hrs
Preferred styles:  
Additional service required: (e.g. childhood montage, album) 
Kindly send me your quotations for the above stated.  
Thank you!


2022-12-07 11:14:24

Wedding Date


Closing on

2023-01-06 23:59:59

Latest Bidding Date

2022-12-07 11:26:27

3 vendors has bidded.

Blissfulbrides Vendor Bid

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- 1 Actual Day Wedding Photographer- 1 to 4 Locations- 600 Softcopy edited photos + 600 unedited photos returned- 20 Further edit photos chosen after initial edited (Touch up on face blemishes, smoothening, slimming)- 20 Hardcopy 4R Prints from Further edit photos- High-Resolution Digital Copy JPEGs (10 – 20mb/photo) via Dropbox, Google Drive or WeTransfer within 7 – 10 working days- Additional Hour/Extension: S$150/hr


- 1 Actual Day Wedding Photographer- 1 to 4 Locations- 700 Softcopy edited photos + 700 unedited photos returned- 30 Further edit photos chosen after initial edited (Touch up on face blemishes, smoothening, slimming)- 30 Hardcopy 4R Prints from Further edit photos- High-Resolution Digital Copy JPEGs (10 – 20mb/photo) via Dropbox, Google Drive or WeTransfer within 7 – 10 working days- Additional Hour/Extension: S$150/hr


- 1 Actual Day Wedding Photographer- 1 to 3 Locations- 500 Softcopy edited photos + 500 unedited photos returned- 10 Further edit photos chosen after initial edited (Touch up on face blemishes, smoothening, slimming)- 10 Hardcopy 4R Prints from Further edit photos- High-Resolution Digital Copy JPEGs (10 – 20mb/photo) via Dropbox, Google Drive or WeTransfer within 7 – 10 working days- Additional Hour/Extension: S$150/hr


• Up to 100 softcopies• Up to 2 mins highlight• From 2 Hours• Personalised Online Gallery• from $600• Email to find out more!

Blissful Pay