Weddings of Singapore: The First Step Forward [Featuring AGOSP & Twist Photography]

Vendor: Twist Photography  

A circuit breaker is necessary but devastating nonetheless to the wedding industry. Couples are forced to make tough decisions, and vendors are suffering various setbacks. How can we pull through this together and stand in solidarity against the COVID-19?

Weddings of Singapore is a brand new talk show that provides information, support, and acts as a channel for open communication between vendors and couples. Tune in to hear the stories and silver linings of those affected and let's help one another tide through on a happier, more positive note!

Weddings of Singapore Live Stream
Hosted by Blissful Brides, Featuring Guests Jordan, Founder of Twist Photography, and fiancee & Jeremy Han, Lead Vocals from AGOPSG Live Band

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Twist Photography

313 Bukit Batok Street 32 #04-55
9128 4233

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