4 Helpful Ways To Calm Your Nerves On Your Wedding Day

4 Helpful Ways To Calm Your Nerves On Your Wedding Day

The butterflies you feel in your stomach – it is completely natural to feel nervous as you approach a significant life milestone! After all the time spent and stress felt from wedding planning, the nerves might start to kick in as the date draws near. Although some might be better at controlling their emotions, the truth is, most if not all brides fall victim to pre-wedding jitters.

As prepared as you can be from selecting the ideal wedding venue to securing the best wedding photography packages in Singapore, your nerves are bound to take over as soon as you wake up on the morning of your wedding day – and it might begin to feel as though you are unprepared all over again. However, it does not have to necessarily be that way! Besides knowing how you can handle wedding “planxiety” – controlling these emotions on the big day is essential to avoid them from getting in the way of your beautiful, magical moment. Start walking down the aisle with confidence with these 4 helpful tips to calm your nerves.

Acknowledge, then reframe your emotions

Before anything else, an excellent way to get over the jitters is by acknowledging them. Knowing the reasons that fuel your nervousness and searching for ways to handle these emotions do not mean you are getting cold feet. In fact, it makes it easier to cope with the feelings.

Thus, the best first thing to do once you wake up on the morning of your big day is to avoid denying how you feel. Instead, reframe those emotions to that of a more positive one. This helps in seeing things from a more supportive perspective and will assist in generating calmness as you take the spotlight and take the first step down the aisle.

Fuel yourself and your health

Not many might know this, but the food you consume can greatly affect how you feel. Ingesting mood-boosting food as you start your morning can aid in the improvement of your overall sense of well-being, boost your energy – and so much more. Before reality sets in, eating a healthy, happy breakfast might just be the key that unlocks a calmer emotion. That way, you can balance your feelings well when the nervousness makes its way in.

Dedicate time to yourself

With the number of things to complete before the ceremony even begins, one might start to feel overwhelmed. From putting on your gown to sitting down as the stylist does your make-up and hair, you may probably feel more nervous as the clock ticks by.

A way to mitigate this situation is to dedicate time to yourself – even a few minutes is more than enough. Once you are done with the preparation, you can find a peaceful place to breathe and collect yourself. If need be, close the door and close your eyes. It is best to use this time to visualise peace and give yourself space to think. If it helps, you could also drink a glass of water to calm yourself down.    

Regulate your breathing

There are many breathing techniques available to calm the pre-aisle nervousness. When feeling the tension, it is vital to practice proper breathing: inhale the positivity and exhale the negative thoughts and stress. An example of an effective breathing technique you can attempt is ‘calming counts’ – close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale slowly for 10 seconds while envisioning the word ‘relax’ in your head. Once done, open your eyes and repeat as many times as you may need. This simple technique will make you feel more relaxed, and you will find yourself feeling much better – ready to conquer the day.


It is human nature to have that nerve-racking feeling inside, no matter how prepared an individual might be for their wedding. The nervousness from being the centre of attention to the countless wedding preparations to attend to, it is entirely normal to feel overwhelmed on this special and wonderful occasion.

At Blissful Brides, we understand the challenges you face when assembling an entourage for your wedding, and so our team is more than ready to assist you in the significant preparations to ease your mind! Whether it be the search for the perfect bridal gown, looking for affordable indoor or outdoor wedding venues, or finding packages for the ideal wedding lunch in Singapore, contact us by filling up this form, and we have you covered for the wedding of your dreams!

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