6 Writing Tips to Help You Get Started on Your Wedding Vows

6 Writing Tips to Help You Get Started on Your Wedding Vows

The wedding ceremony is the heart of the wedding day. The gorgeous wedding gown, the delectable food, the pretty flower arrangements are all icing on the wedding cake – remove all of these fancy additions, and the wedding will still hold its true significance. It’s where two people in love come together to get married, legally, spiritually, and all that’s in between.

This love is even more apparent when you profess it to your partner, and most couples use a personalised wedding vow as a means to express how they truly feel. This is, undoubtedly, a rather daunting task in your wedding planning checklist. Luckily for you, we’ve gathered 6 tips to help you get started!

1. Start by brainstorming

Simply begin by jotting down any passing thought, feeling, or memory that first comes to mind when you think about your partner, your relationship, and of course, the much-awaited wedding. Continue writing for 30 minutes straight, even if the ideas or words that come out are scattered. Just let your subconscious take over, and the real creative ideas will come to play!

2. Identify relevant themes

Once you’re done brainstorming, you’ll have plenty of with random ideas and thoughts strewn about on the piece of paper. To start organising them into comprehensive ideas, identify common themes and underline the concepts that are most frequently mentioned. 

It could be the qualities of your partner that made you fall in love with them, or how you’ve witnessed them grow as a person. Whatever these themes may be, take note as they will become the main points in your script!

3. Use writing prompts

Even the best writers have the misfortune of bumping into a writer’s block. This is where a list of writing prompts can help! These specific questions will help you find inspiration, allowing those romantic and creative juices to get flowing. Some of these questions include:

● Why did you say yes to the proposal?

● When did you realise that you want to propose to this person?

● What about your relationship makes it stand out from the rest?

● How do you envision your life as a married couple?

6 Writing Tips to Help You Get Started on Your Wedding Vows

4. Find inspiration

Can’t write without a visit from your muse? In that case, it’s time to get inspired! Try reading back your love letters, look through the precious gifts your partner has given you, or try visiting the location where you had your first date. Once you tap into these inspirational outlets, your writing will definitely get much easier. 

5. Consider getting help

A fresh perspective from one who has witnessed the ups and downs in your relationship from the beginning can be of help, and there’s nobody better to ask than your maid of honour or best man!

Do note that this version of your relationship may not necessarily resonate with you, so pick out and embrace the points that do. Here are a few questions you can try asking:

● What was the first impression they had of your significant partner?

● How have you grown since you’ve met your partner?

● In what ways do they think you and your partner make the perfect pairing?

Of course, don’t limit yourself to your bridal party. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends, your siblings, or even your parents! It’ll be interesting to hear what they have to say.

6. Practice makes perfect

Even with a perfect wedding vow script in your hand, the jitters will undoubtedly creep when you’re standing at the altar as you recite your wedding vows for all the guests to hear. Practising reading your wedding vows aloud will not only help you familiarise yourself with what you’ve written, but also helps to alleviate the nervousness during the day itself.

You can also practise in front of your bridal party for their constructive feedback or record yourself speaking. Working on those nervous ticks early on will allow you to look and feel confident on the actual day!

6 Writing Tips to Help You Get Started on Your Wedding Vows

Ultimately, there’s no right or wrong when curating your own vows. It all boils down to how genuine your words are and that it came from the heart. Whether you wish to keep it short and sweet, or littered with inside jokes that only a few know, all that matters is how special it means for your wedding day and how it defines your outlook on love and a future together. 

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