5 Tips For Choosing the Perfect Wedding Playlist

5 Tips For Choosing the Perfect Wedding Playlist

Now that you’ve finally decided between having a band or a DJ, here comes your next dilemma, what music genre should you play at your wedding reception or wedding banquet? Is there a specific song that you’ll have to play? Is an Ed Sheeran song a must?

Before you go all groom/bridezilla, take a deep breathe. For starters, we’d recommend to make a list of 30 songs before entrusting the rest to your band or DJ. It is also recommended to consult your DJ before handing over the task. We wouldn’t want some Avenge Sevenfold amidst the list of Taylor Swift songs now, would we?

To help you get started, we have come up with some tips and ideas to help you build that perfect wedding playlist!

Begin with some mainstream music

With a diverse age group, it can be tough to tailor the music to your guests. So why not start the night off with some top radio hits that will get at least majority of the audience bobbing their heads? Plus, since mainstream songs tend to be more upbeat, you can rest them to amp up the atmosphere of the wedding.

Throw some ballads

What’s a wedding without ballads? In creating the perfect mix of songs, be sure to balance the genres of songs in your playlist for a better experience. With a slower tempo, ballads are also used for slow dancing or for when there are announcements from the couple or messages from the guests to the newlyweds.

Review the playlist composition

The composition of the playlist plays an important role – you’ll have to figure out how upbeat songs should transition to slow songs, to create the appropriate atmosphere for your wedding. Conversely, it is important to note the transition from songs with slower tempos to perhaps, pop songs.

Take your preference into consideration

After all, it is your wedding. So naturally, the songs that you prefer should be on the list. At the same time, be sure to include particular songs that are meaningful to both your partner and you (remember that song that was playing on your first date?).

Include some instrumental into the mix

Throw in some instrumental music and have the DJ cue them in during the actual banquet. Instrumental songs are always a safe choice, be it for a wedding lunch or dinner. Let your guests enjoy the meal whilst creating a whimsical atmosphere with the soft melodies.

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