Wedding Planning: How Much Time Do You Really Need?

Wedding Planning: How Much Time Do You Really Need?

How long does it take to plan a proper wedding? While some say a couple of months is sufficient, others will tell you that it’s best to start preparations at least a year in advance. To get a good gauge of when you should start planning a wedding, here are a few tips to help you figure out how much time you actually need, along with wedding planning advice you might need!

Timing Is Key

Wedding Planning: How Much Time Do You Really Need?

Depending on the scale of your wedding, it’s possible to pull off a successful wedding in a matter of weeks. Yes, we kid you not. However, between looking for the right venue, confirming it, sending out invites and of course, scouting for the best wedding deals in Singapore you’ll want to give yourself at least two to three months to prepare and organise everything. 

Planning for Plan B

The popular vendors and wedding locations in Singapore are often booked months and if not years, in advance. When planning a wedding, it’s important to be flexible with the arrangements. Depending on the availability of the venue, you may wish to have a range of different dates in mind. If not, be prepared to host your celebration at an alternative venue. In short, be prepared for unforeseen circumstances and always have backup plans whenever possible.

Avoid Last-Minute Reservations

Wedding Planning: How Much Time Do You Really Need?

Some may believe that booking vendors and venues at the last hour will allow them more negotiating power. While this may be true in some cases, it’s advisable to lead the discussion with some lead time in mind, as this will allow you to better negotiate for the ideal price. 

Keep to Your Budget

When planning a wedding in a short time frame, you may risk busting your budget. As much as possible, try to remain conscious of your spendings. While you may have to spend a little more than originally planned if you’re making plans on a shorter notice, the last thing you need is to go over budget and have to cut down on more important aspects of your wedding. So plan your budget wisely and keep to it as much as possible. 

Prioritise Venue and Transportation

Wedding Planning: How Much Time Do You Really Need?

It’s imperative to reserve the venue and settle the transportation first. This way, you can prevent any last minute problems related to these from cropping up closer to or even on your wedding day. You should also confirm guests who are coming from out of town and book hotel rooms for them as well.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If there’s ever a time to reach out, it’s now. Planning a wedding is a tall task as it is, and the fact that you have to do it in a few months (or weeks!) makes it more challenging. Ask for whatever help you can get from friends and family because planning a wedding gets easier with some help and guidance! 

From looking for the perfect evening gown in Singapore to making sure that the venue is available on the date you’d like, planning a wedding takes a lot of energy and effort, especially if you don’t have a lot of time to work with. But it is doable, and with these tips, you should be able to plan your wedding more quickly and efficiently than you would have before! 

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