Wedding Seating Arrangements: 4 Things to Consider When Planning

Wedding Seating Arrangements: 4 Things to Consider When Planning

Source: The Joyden Hall

To many, planning your wedding seating arrangement is pretty straightforward. Your immediate relatives will be all the way in front, followed by your distant relatives, then friends and colleagues – or so you thought. 

Unbeknownst to many, arranging the seating plan of your loved ones can be a tedious and problematic affair when you actually get to it. There are plenty of details you have to consider, such as who they need to be close to, who they will be happiest with, and if they require certain features like extra space for a high chair or wheelchair. 

In order to create a relaxed and stress-free environment during the wedding, here are some things to consider when you’re planning the seating arrangement: 

Wedding Seating Arrangements: 4 Things to Consider When Planning

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1. The venue

Whether you’ve set your sights on a large wedding venue or a small wedding venue in Singapore, you first need to have a rough idea of what equipment and facilities you’d like to have in the venue, and where they will be placed. 

Only then, can you start planning the seating arrangements, because there will be guests who would love to be close to the bar and guests who would rather not sit too near to the speakers, just to name a few. 

2. Your guests’ needs

Wedding Seating Arrangements: 4 Things to Consider When Planning

Source: PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road 

Imagine this – grandparents are to be seated at the VIP table, because of their seniority and relationship with you. However, they are on wheelchairs and would need to be at the table that’s closest to the door because of space constraints. What this means is that you probably would have to shift the placement of the tables in general so that the VIP table is now at the front still, but unobstructed from the nearest exit. 

This is why couples need to think ahead and consider the needs of every guest so that they can prepare for scenarios like the above-mentioned beforehand. Other needs to consider include seating smokers away from children, providing couples with babies or toddlers that require highchairs more space, and avoid sticking a non-attached person in a table full of couples. 

3. Children 

Generally, older children who can eat and sit still by themselves can all be placed together at one table. This is so that they can bond and have fun amongst themselves, and not get bored by adult conversations. You and your partner will have to decide what’s the cut-off age for these “children tables” though! Likewise, a grown-up teenager may feel out of place and bored at a table full of young children. 

4. Family feuds 

Not every family has this, but if yours does, it is perfectly normal. Take time to find out from your parents if there are any ongoing feuds amongst your relatives – you wouldn’t want two indignant members to be seated at the same table in case it spurs yet another argument! 

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