Type : Package| Portfolio

Wedding Inspiration: An Outdoor Garden Rustic Wedding


Rustic Garden by Blissful Brides

Blissful Brides Cafe


Same Day Solemnization ceremony and wedding banquet. Venue decorations by Patson decor. Kindly visit our Intragram @patsondecor for more photo and information



Patson Decor Pte Ltd


photo display table, and registration table at reception area for the past events


Reception photo table

Patson Decor Pte Ltd


We also provide other services such as Wedding Hire, Kombi Photobooth, Mobile Ice-cream live station for wedding & parties as well. Please feel free to enquire us at [email protected]


Kombi Photobooth for Wedding

Scoopy's & Cream


As JWCARS' in-house florist partner, JWFLORIST will render their exquisite touch to transform the wedding cars into a work of art. We also cater for customization of the bridal decor & bridal hand bouquet to suit customers' exquisite tastes.

We love to hear about your wedding plans and how we can be a part of your big day. We will do our best to exceed your expectations.


JW Florist

JW Florist


Floral event design for wedding fine dining.


Floral design at Dempsey Hill

Amici Events & Catering


We provide the food and full setup with fresh flower, decoration, and full table ware.


Wedding Fine Dining at Black Pixion Studio JB

Amici Events & Catering


A Classic theme of white flower with green foliage for the long dining table.


Classic White Wedding

Tree House Flowers & Gifts


A Peaceful theme for Solemnization & Dining Place with different type of white flower with a touch of blue flower.


White & Blue Wedding

Tree House Flowers & Gifts

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