
Bryan Yoong & Pamela Goh

VENDORS : Pan Pacific Singapore


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We first met each other at their friends’ wedding during their morning gatecrash session. Bryan was one of the groom’s brothers, and Pamela was one of the bride’s bridesmaids. Subsequent gatherings and meet ups with all the sisters and brothers gave them more opportunities to get to know each other better. Our relationship was very playful and was full of fun and laughter, and we enjoy each other’s company both in silence and noise.

We were both sure that we wanted to marry each other throughout the whole wedding preparation, but we both felt more worried as the day loomed closer because the logistics and scheduling were getting more complicated. Even with all the help and assurances we were getting from friends and family, the possibility of something screwing up was still nagging at the back of our heads.

Pamela even had a nightmare about our guests not arriving for the wedding. We had a talk one day, and I said this to her: “It does not matter even if everything screws up and nobody appears. Most importantly, I, the groom and you, the bride, must appear. This is our marriage. I just want to marry you. That is all.” We both promised each other to just have fun and enjoy the journey.

It was simple, but very heartwarming for me. I knew the effort that Bryan put in, and that meant a lot to me. We had some cakes for tea, and then he led me into taking a stroll at Henderson Wave bridge to look at the sunset. While walking, I thought Bryan was just making small talk about how long we had been together. Suddenly, six of our best friends jumped out from behind one of the domes and surprised us with a big bunch of colourful balloons! Right after, he suddenly took a knee in front of me, and proposed with a diamond ring.

I was very shy and shocked! I wasn’t expecting it at all because I did not notice any tell-tale signs of Bryan planning something. Surprised that the usual lazy him could plan so many things, from contacting good friends to play along to getting the diamond ring ready and in the correct size! I was just too shocked to think about what to say; instead I just followed my feelings and gave my hand to allow Bryan to put the ring on. 

The wedding theme was designed around the theme Winter Wonderland because our wedding day falls on Christmas Eve. As for my wedding dress, we tried many wedding dresses until I found the one. The moment I tried it on, my instincts told me that it was the perfect dress for me. I love the detailing of the lacy flowers and crystals on the princess cut wedding dress and the long train that it came with. It has been my dream since I was young to have a long train as I walk down the aisle.

Our ceremony was held at Pan Pacific Singapore. We hosted it in one of the ballrooms provided by the hotel just before the wedding lunch. It has always been a dream wedding venue for me, reminiscing back to the moments when we were choosing our venues from attending multiple hotel wedding fairs. The moment we saw Pan Pacific’s ballroom, we knew it was meant to be. We love the high ceiling of the ballroom, and the big spacious foyer area for us to decorate according to our own theme – and of course, the quality of food was the biggest plus point!

Honestly, we felt so touched to have so many of our family and friends there – they truly gave us all their blessings and love. Our morning gatecrash session and the reception decorations that our friends put up for us were so beautiful, and it was exactly what I pictured it would be for our wedding. Lastly, I loved having my dad walk me down the aisle so we had our father and daughter moment.

Opening the door to Pamela’s room in the morning, and seeing her sitting on her bed so beautiful in white. I needed to make sure she didn’t get too scared and would run away (laughs).


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